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ExploreEarth is not just a travel media company. It's a platform designed by experts with decades in the sector to forge direct and emotional connections between travel seekers and the extraordinary world of responsible expedition and small-ship adventure cruises. 

Our partners strongly focus on the environment and always consider the privilege of exploring the places they visit. At ExplorEarth, we understand the fine balance of net-positive travel and the need to ensure that positive outcomes, beyond those of experience alone, must come from visiting the planet's most precious (and precarious) destinations. 

This is why we only work with responsible operators and travel specialists who have all been approved by our panel of experts and understand the balance that must come with this unique form of travel.

If approved, our partners can show our partner logo and gain exposure on our platform. 

Our Partner Principles

Rosie B Wild

Rosie B Wild

An inquisitive Puffin

Promoting Ambassadorship

Expedition and small-ship adventure cruising transcends traditional travel; it offers profound, life-affirming, and transformative encounters. These journeys forge deep connections with wildlife, often imperilled by climate change, overfishing, and other threats.

This compelling narrative is best experienced firsthand and through the wisdom of dedicated experts—those remarkable individuals who live and breathe this reality daily.

Aboard these vessels are expedition team members, scientists, naturalists, historians, and professional guides who share their unparalleled knowledge and passion. This unique experience bestows upon travellers the privilege of ambassadorship, inspiring them to protect our oceans and share their invaluable experiences with a new generation of explorers.

Jamie Lafferty

Jamie Lafferty

Fur seal pup Jamie Lafferty South Georgia

Honesty & Authenticity

At ExplorEarth, we only work with writers and experts who know their stuff! From intrepid and renowned travel writers to expedition leaders, acclaimed photographers and scientists.

Our contributors have their own views, and the site is a platform for them to distribute their stories to a wider audience in an inspirational, informative, and engaging way.

We never push editorial or brand guidelines to soften our content. What you read here is honest, impactful and authentic. Written in the voice of the author without editorial interference. We also do not avoid challenging topics, as the voice of our writers is often an essential medium to share the threats our planet faces and the wonders we want to see. 

Behind every story and guide on ExplorEarth is a real experience from a passionate traveller. And it will always remain that way. Meet our writers and experts here

Jamie Lafferty

Jamie Lafferty

Northern Gannet Darkerned Iris Jamie Lafferty

Paying it Forward

Everything has a cost, and everything needs to be balanced as a result. This includes travel and the importance of giving back and supporting ocean protection activism, whether that be through taking on the challenge of ocean threats or the prevention of cultural disruption. Our partners will have strong policies on giving back to the environments that enable them. 


From our Founder

Having worked in the small-ship adventure and expedition sector for over twenty years, I am passionate about net-positive travel. I firmly believe that the best way to protect our planet, its oceans, and wildlife is through education, ambassadorship, and positive activism. This can be achieved through education, in-destination exposure, and post-travel advocacy. ExplorEarth is designed to inspire our users to travel for good. And for an exhilarating adventure, too. We work with the best operators and travel companies to ensure that your visit to these places will be done in the most respectful and educational way. With experts who will shine a light on your destination and its challenges and wonders. Most importantly, they will return an ambassador for that place and encourage many others within their network to understand it and protect it, too.

Why Partner with ExplorEarth?

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Engage with a Responsible Audience

  • Our audience is inspired and looking to travel

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Ensure your Product is Seen

  • We are a high-traffic site

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Stop Selling on Price

  • Expedition and small-ship adventure travel is life-changing and should not have to be sold on pricing discounts.