About the Brown Bear

Brown Bears, also known as grizzly bears in North America, are large bears with a powerful build and a characteristic hump of muscle over their shoulders. Their fur can range from dark brown to light tips.

They are common in areas like Alaska but less so in more southerly or populated areas where their habitat has been reduced.

Threats include habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and climate change affecting their food resources, such as salmon and berries.

Climate change is altering their habitats, impacting food availability and potentially increasing encounters with humans as bears search further for food.

Where to see Brown Bears

Widely distributed across North America, Europe, and Asia. In North America, they are primarily found in Alaska, western Canada, and parts of the northwestern United States.

Interesting facts about Brown Bears

Brown Bears have an extremely diverse diet, ranging from fruit and nuts to large mammals, and they have one of the more extensive geographic distributions of any terrestrial mammal.

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