Latin America Overview

Latin America is a prime region for expedition and adventure cruises, offering a rich tapestry of landscapes from the lush Amazon rainforest to the dramatic fjords of Patagonia, the “Rich Coast” of Costa Rica to the pristine waters of the Galápagos Islands. These destinations provide unparalleled opportunities for wildlife observation, including exotic birds, marine life, and unique species like the Galápagos tortoises. Adventure cruises in Latin America often include kayaking, snorkelling, and guided hikes, allowing travellers to immerse themselves in these vibrant ecosystems and bio-diverse destinations.

Latin America is a region in the Americas where Romance languages, primarily Spanish and Portuguese, are spoken. Costa Rica is a Spanish-speaking country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. It is considered part of Latin America both geographically and culturally. In the Amazon region, various indigenous languages are spoken, reflecting the cultural diversity of the indigenous peoples who inhabit the rainforest. These languages belong to numerous families, including Tupian, Tucanoan, Arawakan, and Jivaroan.

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Latin America

Latin America Guides

Traveller snapshot: Why visit?

Macaw parrot amazon Image by Arnóbio de Almeida from Pixabay
Red Macaw Parrot in the Amazon: Photo Credit Arnóbio de Almeida

People go to Latin America on expedition and small-ship adventure cruises primarily for the unique natural environments, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural experiences. The main focus will be exploring remote areas, such as the Amazon and Costa Rican rainforests and National Parks, The important Galápagos Islands, and Patagonian fjords, where you can engage in wildlife watching, hiking, snorkelling and learning about these regions' ecological significance and conservation efforts. These cruises offer an immersive way to understand and appreciate Latin America's beauty and cultural heritage.


Latin America hosts some of the world's most iconic and rare wildlife and marine life. Notable examples include the jaguars of the Amazon, Andean condors, Galápagos tortoises unique to their namesake islands, and the elusive pink river dolphins found in the Amazon River, with opportunities to swim with these remarkable cecsations. 

Latin America provides a unique perspective on rainforests and their inhabitants, allowing travellers to immerse themselves fully in the wonders of the Amazon and Costa Rica, home to a dazzling array of wildlife, including sloths, monkeys, toucans, and the colourful tropical birds you tend to see in the most exotic photography collections and travel guides. 

Latin America offers exceptional birdwatching opportunities and a wide range of habitats. This region is home to a remarkable diversity of birdlife, including iconic species like the Andean condor, the resplendent quetzal, and numerous hummingbird species. In the Amazon alone, enthusiasts can spot colorful macaws, toucans, and the elusive harpy eagle. Each destination offers unique birding experiences, making Latin America a must-visit for birdwatchers seeking to observe rare and endemic species in their natural environment. 

The region's marine environments are home to a rich diversity of life, including humpback whales off Colombia's Pacific coast, the colourful coral reefs of Belize, and The Galápagos Islands, renowned for their marine life, biodiversity, and a rich array of species adapted to the unique conditions of the surrounding Pacific Ocean.


Cultural and Historical Significance

Latin American expedition cruises delve into a region rich in historical and cultural heritage, from ancient civilizations like the Maya and Inca to colonial influences and vibrant indigenous cultures. Travellers can explore archaeological sites and colonial cities and learn about the complex tapestry of cultures that shape countries like Peru, Ecuador, and Mexico. These cruises often incorporate lectures and guided tours that enhance understanding of the region's history, cultural traditions, and the impact of European colonisation, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience.

Adventure and Exploration

In Latin America, you can engage in various adventure activities, including snorkelling in crystal-clear waters, hiking, kayaking along remote rivers or coastlines, wildlife watching for unique species, visiting ancient archaeological sites, and participating in cultural exchanges with local communities. 

Specifical adventure activities include snorkelling in the Galápagos to observe marine life, hiking in the Amazon rainforest to see diverse flora and fauna, kayaking through the Patagonian fjords, and bird watching for exotic species.

These activities immerse travellers in the region's natural beauty and cultural richness while promoting eco-conscious and sustainable travel practices often underpinned by focused citizen science projects.

Eco-conscious and sustainable travel

Crafts Image by Leonel Barreto from Pixabay
Sustainable tourism through indigenous local trade

Eco-conscious and sustainable travel in Latin American expedition cruises focuses on minimising environmental impact while supporting conservation efforts and local communities. Operators often adopt practices like using less polluting fuels, reducing waste, and offering educational programs about the local ecosystems. 

Travellers are encouraged to engage in responsible tourism, contributing to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of destinations like the Amazon rainforest, Galápagos Islands, and Patagonian fjords. These cruises are pivotal in raising awareness about environmental conservation and promoting sustainable tourism practices.

General Preparation and Research

Preparation is critical to ensuring a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable trip within Latin America. Here are some general tips and essentials when preparing for your expedition or small-ship adventure cruise. 

Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned return date, and always check visa requirements for each country you plan to visit. Requirements can vary depending on your nationality. Selecting a comprehensive travel insurance product that covers medical expenses, evacuation, and trip cancellation is also essential.

We also advise you to consult a travel health clinic or your doctor for advice on vaccinations and health precautions, depending on which destinations within Latin America you plan to visit. Bring sufficient prescription medications for the entire trip, plus a copy of the prescription. Consider a travel medical kit with remedies for common ailments.

Familiarise yourself with the destinations, cultures, and languages of the places you'll be visiting. Take time to learn about and respect the customs and traditions of indigenous and local communities; cultural sensitivity is a vital part of the privilege of travel within these regions. You should also consider how you can support local economies and communities respectfully and sustainably and ask the operator what they are doing in this area. 

Ensure you know and comply with regulations regarding wildlife encounters, protected areas, and cultural heritage sites. Wildlife Guides and Maps, including identification guides and regional maps, are useful to pack. You can also download relevant apps to enhance your experience, but network coverage is not always possible. 

Responsible souvenirs are okay, but be mindful of what you bring back to ensure it's legal and ethically sourced.

Be thorough in preparing for your expedition cruise to Latin America. You can ensure a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience and are ready to embrace the adventure, culture, and natural beauty the region offers.