Devon Island, Nunavut

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Devon Island, located in Baffin Bay, is only slightly smaller than Croatia. The eastern side is frosted by the Devon Ice Cap, while on the western half of the island lays the 14 mile wide Haughton impact crater. It was created around 39 million years ago when a meteorite crashed into the land. The landscape surrounding this site resembles the surface of Mars. In fact, for the past decade scientists have conducted research here to determine how humans might live one day on Mars. British Arctic explorers Robert Bylot and William Baffin were the first Europeans to sight the island in 1616. In 1819-1820, William Parry charted the island, naming it North Devon after Devon in England. Despite repeated attempts at trading settlements, the strong wind conditions and cold climate eventually drove everyone away leaving Devon Island as a likely candidate for being the world’s largest uninhabited island.