Spirit of the Celts

Spirit of the Celts



Spirit of the Celts

Portsmouth is one of the most densely populated cities in Southern England, and is unusual as most of its built-up area occupies Portsea Island, linked to the mainland by road and rail bridges. Although there is a Roman fort at nearby Portchester, occupied later by the Saxons and Normans, there was no settlement on the site of Portsmouth at the time of the 1086 Domesday Book. The town developed in medieval times and received its first charter in 1194 from King Richard I; soon afterwards it became a major naval base. It has the world’s oldest dry dock, and is home to several famous ships, including HMS Victory, HMS Warrior and the Mary Rose, raised from the Solent in 1982. Portsmouth remains an important naval base and is home to a large proportion of the British service fleet. The waterfront area is now dominated by the Spinnaker Tower, 560 feet high, the United Kingdom’s tallest building outside London. Other things to see in the city include the house where Charles Dickens was born, and the City Museum, which contains a permanent exhibition devoted to another famous writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who lived in the town.
Nestled in the mouth of a wooded estuary, Fowey (pronounced Foy) is still very much a working china-clay port as well as a focal point for the sailing fraternity. Increasingly, it's also a favored home of the rich and famous. Good and varied dining and lodging options abound; these are most in demand during Regatta Week in mid- to late August and the annual Fowey Festival of Words and Music in mid-May. The Bodinnick and Polruan ferries take cars as well as foot passengers across the river for the coast road on to Looe.A few miles west of Fowey are a pair of very different gardens: the Eden Project, a futuristic display of plants from around the world, and the Lost Gardens of Heligan, a revitalized reminder of the Victorian age.
For many visitors Tresco is the most attractive of the Isles of Scilly. This is especially due to its Abbey Garden, which is home to thousands of exotic plant species from around 80 different countries. Plant collector Augustus Smith began the gardens in the 1830s on the site of an old Benedictine Abbey by channelling the weather up and over a network of walled enclosures built around the Priory ruins. He had three terraces carved from the rocky south slope and maximised Tresco’s mild Gulf Stream climate. Even in mid-winter there still are hundreds of plants flowering here. Another surprising attraction at the Abbey Garden is the collection of figureheads from ships that wrecked among the Isles of Scilly.
Galway is a city in the West of Ireland in the province of Connacht. It lies on the River Corrib between Lough Corrib and Galway Bay and is surrounded by County Galway. It is the fourth most populous urban area in the Republic of Ireland and the sixth most populous city in the island of Ireland. It is both a picturesque and lively city with a wonderful avant-garde culture and a fascinating mixture of locally owned speciality shops, often featuring locally made crafts. Indeed local handcrafts are a feature of the entire region including hand knits, pottery, glass, jewellery and woodwork. The city’s hub is 18th-century Eyre Square, a popular meeting spot surrounded by shops, and traditional pubs that often offer live Irish folk music. Nearby, stone-clad cafes, boutiques and art galleries line the winding lanes of the Latin Quarter, which retains portions of the medieval city walls. The city bears the nickname "The City of the Tribes" because "fourteen tribes" of merchant families led the city in its Hiberno-Norman period. The merchants would have seen themselves as Irish gentry and loyal to the King. They later adopted the term as a badge of honour and pride in defiance of the town's Cromwellian occupier.
Killybegs The days start early in Killybegs, as this quiet fishing town rumbles to life, and ships with red and blue paint peeling from their hulls quietly depart, ready for a morning's hard work at sea. Located in a scenic part of County Donegal, Killybegs is Ireland's fishing capital, and the salty breeze and pretty streets serve as a revitalising medicine for visitors. The town is also your gateway to some of the country's most majestic coastal scenery, which is dotted with flashing white lighthouses, keeping watch over invigorating seascapes. Killybegs enjoys a privileged position on the coast of north west of Ireland, close to the spectacular Slieve League - a titanic mountain, which explodes upwards from frothing ocean. Walk as close as you dare to the coastline’s sheer drops, or admire the folding cliffs from the best vantage point, down on the water.
Portrush is adjacent to the stunning North Antrim coastline. Here lies the medieval Dunluce Castle ruins. Perched picturesquely at the edge of a rocky outcropping high above the sea, the castle is dramatically surrounded by terrifyingly steep drops, which the early Christians and Vikings would have considered a very important security feature. The castle and surrounding areas have been frequently used for the filming of “Game of Thrones”. Another attraction reached from Portrush is the Giant’s Causeway -40,000 hexagonal basalt columns that descend in a kind of pathway to the sea. Formed over 50 million years ago, visitors have marvelled at its majesty and mystery for centuries, and UNESCO has recognised this site with World Heritage status.
Tour description Stornoway, Scotland The Isle of Lewis and Harris is the northernmost and largest of the Outer Hebrides-the Western Isles in common parlance. The island's only major town, Stornoway, is on a nearly landlocked harbor on the east coast of Lewis. It's the port capital for the Outer Hebrides and the island's cultural center, such that it is. Stornoway has an increasing number of good restaurants. Lewis has some fine historic attractions, including the Calanais Standing Stones-a truly magical place. The Uists are known for their rare, plentiful wildlife. Stornoway. Besides being the island's main entry point for ferries, Stornoway is also Lewis's main arts center. You'll find some good restaurants in town if you want to have lunch off the ship. The town can be explored by bicycle if you are so inclined. Local rental shops can give you advice on where to ride, including a route to Tolsta that takes in five stunning beaches before reaching the edge of moorland. An Lanntair Arts Centre. The fabulous An Lanntair Arts Centre has exhibitions of contemporary and traditional art, as well as a cinema, a gift shop, and a restaurant serving international and Scottish fare. There are frequent traditional musical and theatrical events in the impressive auditorium. Kenneth St.. Black House. In the small community of Arnol, the Black House is a well-preserved example of an increasingly rare type of traditional Hebridean home. Once common throughout the islands-even into the 1950s-these dwellings were built without mortar and thatched on a timber framework without eaves. Other characteristic features include an open central peat hearth and the absence of a chimney-hence the soot and the designation black. On display inside are many of the house's original furnishings. To reach Arnol from Port of Ness, head south on the A857 and pick up the A858 at Barvas. Off A858, 21 mi southwest of Port of Ness. Admission charged. Calanais Standing Stones. These impressive stones are actually part of a cluster of several different archaeological sites in this area. Probably positioned in several stages between 3000 BC and 1500 BC, the grouping consists of an avenue of 19 monoliths extending northward from a circle of 13 stones, with other rows leading south, east, and west. Ruins of a cairn sit within the circle on the east side. Researchers believe they may have been used for astronomical observations, but you can create your own explanations. The visitor center has an exhibit on the stones, a gift shop, and a tearoom. On an unmarked road off A858. Admission charged. Dun Carloway. One of the best-preserved Iron Age brochs (circular stone towers) in Scotland, Dun Carloway dominates the scattered community of Carloway. The mysterious tower was probably built around 2,000 years ago as protection against seaborne raiders. The Dun Broch Centre explains more about the broch and its setting. Off A857. Gearrannan. Up a side road north from Carloway, Gearrannan is an old black-house village that has been brought back to life with a museum screening excellent short films on peat cutting and weaving. For a unique experience, groups can rent the restored houses. Leverburgh. At Leverburgh you can take the ferry to North Uist. Nearby Northton has several attractions; St. Clement's Church at Rodel is particularly worth a visit. MacGillivray Centre. Located in a round building overlooking the bay, the MacGillivray Centre gives insight into the life and work of William MacGillivray (1796-1852), a noted naturalist with strong links to Harris. MacGillivray authored the five-volume History of British Birds. This is a great location for a picnic (there are tables for just such a purpose). A walk to a ruined church starts at the parking lot. A859, Northton. Seallam! Visitor Centre and Co Leis Thu? Genealogical Research Centre. The center is where you can trace your Western Isles ancestry. Photographs and interpretive signs describe the history of Harris and its people. The owners organize guided walks and cultural evenings weekly between May and September. Off A859, Northton. Admission charged. St. Clement's Church. At the southernmost point of Harris is the community of Rodel, where you can find St. Clement's Church, a cruciform church standing on a hillock. This is the most impressive pre-Reformation church in the Outer Hebrides; it was built around 1500 and contains the magnificently sculptured tomb (1528) of the church's builder, Alasdair Crotach, MacLeod chief of Dunvegan Castle. Rodel is 3 mi south of Leverburgh and 21 mi south of Tarbert. A859, Rodel. Port of Ness. The stark, windswept community of Port of Ness, 30 mi north of Stornoway, cradles a small harbor squeezed in among the rocks. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. At the northernmost point of Lewis stands the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse, designed by David and Thomas Stevenson (of the prominent engineering family whose best-known member was not an engineer at all, but the novelist Robert Louis Stevenson). The structure was first lighted in 1862. The adjacent cliffs provide a good vantage point for viewing seabirds, whales, and porpoises. The lighthouse is northwest of Port of Ness along the B8014. Shopping Harris tweed is available at many outlets on the islands, including some of the weavers' homes; keep an eye out for signs directing you to weavers' workshops. Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative. The Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative sells stylish and quirky hand-crafted tweed clothing, hats, accessories, all made by artists belonging to the cooperative. 40 Point St., Stornoway. Borgh Pottery. At Borgh Pottery, open from Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 6, you can buy attractive hand-thrown studio pottery made on the premises, including lamps, vases, mugs, and dishes. Fivepenny House, A857, Borve.
Oban, "little bay" in Gaelic, today has a resident population of 8,500 and is the unofficial capital of the West Highlands - the "Gateway to the Isles." The panoramic views of the mountains, lochs and islands which have captivated artists, authors, composers, and poets for centuries are as striking now as they were when Dunollie Castle, a ruined keep which has stood sentinel over the narrow entrance to the sheltered bay for around six hundred years, was the northern outpost of the Dalriadic Scots. It is no surprise to find Oban in the 21st-century remains a magnet for travellers from all over the world. The town's present day popularity owes much to the Victorians, and as early as 1812, when the Comet steamship linked Oban with Glasgow, the town played host to intrepid travellers touring Staffa - the inspiration for Mendelssohn's Hebridean Overture - and Iona - home of Scottish Christianity since St Columba stepped ashore in AD563. Indeed once Oban had the royal seal of approval from Queen Victoria, who called it "one of the finest spots we have seen," the town's destiny as an endearingly enchanting holiday destination was as firmly set as the lava columns of Fingal's Cave in Oban is justifiably known as the “gateway to the Isles.” The town's south pier is the embarkation point for car ferries to Mull, Coll, Tiree, Barra, South Uist, Colonsay, Lismore and Islay. From these islands you can travel further a field to Iona, Staffa and to many of the smaller less well known isles.
Dublin is making a comeback. The decade-long "Celtic Tiger" boom era was quickly followed by the Great Recession, but The Recovery has finally taken a precarious hold. For visitors, this newer and wiser Dublin has become one of western Europe's most popular and delightful urban destinations. Whether or not you're out to enjoy the old or new Dublin, you'll find it a colossally entertaining city, all the more astonishing considering its intimate size.It is ironic and telling that James Joyce chose Dublin as the setting for his famous Ulysses, Dubliners, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man because it was a "center of paralysis" where nothing much ever changed. Which only proves that even the greats get it wrong sometimes. Indeed, if Joyce were to return to his once-genteel hometown today—disappointed with the city's provincial outlook, he left it in 1902 at the age of 20—and take a quasi-Homeric odyssey through the city (as he so famously does in Ulysses), would he even recognize Dublin as his "Dear Dirty Dumpling, foostherfather of fingalls and dotthergills"?For instance, what would he make of Temple Bar—the city's erstwhile down-at-the-heels neighborhood, now crammed with cafés and trendy hotels and suffused with a nonstop, international-party atmosphere? Or the simple sophistication of the open-air restaurants of the tiny Italian Quarter (named Quartier Bloom after his own creation), complete with sultry tango lessons? Or of the hot–cool Irishness, where every aspect of Celtic culture results in sold-out theaters, from Once, the cult indie movie and Broadway hit, to Riverdance, the old Irish mass-jig recast as a Las Vegas extravaganza? Plus, the resurrected Joyce might be stirred by the songs of Hozier, fired up by the sultry acting of Michael Fassbender, and moved by the award-winning novels of Colum McCann. As for Ireland's capital, it's packed with elegant shops and hotels, theaters, galleries, coffeehouses, and a stunning variety of new, creative little restaurants can be found on almost every street in Dublin, transforming the provincial city that suffocated Joyce into a place almost as cosmopolitan as the Paris to which he fled. And the locals are a hell of a lot more fun! Now that the economy has finally turned a corner, Dublin citizens can cast a cool eye over the last 20 crazy years. Some argue that the boomtown transformation of their heretofore-tranquil city has permanently affected its spirit and character. These skeptics (skepticism long being a favorite pastime in the capital city) await the outcome of "Dublin: The Sequel," and their greatest fear is the possibility that the tattered old lady on the Liffey has become a little less unique, a little more like everywhere else.Oh ye of little faith: the rare ole gem that is Dublin is far from buried. The fundamentals—the Georgian elegance of Merrion Square, the Norman drama of Christ Church Cathedral, the foamy pint at an atmospheric pub—are still on hand to gratify. Most of all, there are the locals themselves: the nod and grin when you catch their eye on the street, the eagerness to hear half your life story before they tell you all of theirs, and their paradoxically dark but warm sense of humor. It's expected that 2016 will be an extra-special year in the capital, as centenary celebrations of the fateful 1916 Easter Rising will dominate much of the cultural calendar.

About the Ship

Swan Hellenic, SH Diana, Exterior

Arriving in early 2023, SH Diana is the largest ship in our fleet, providing elegant and spacious 5-star accommodation for 192 guests in 96 spacious staterooms and suites, the vast majority with large balconies. Operated by an onboard team of 140, she provides the highest levels of personal service. She takes Swan Hellenic back to its roots when she launched, exploring the Mediterranean and its famous sites of antiquity.Now sit back, relax, and take a moment to get to know this amazing new ship, purpose-designed for our unique cultural expedition cruises.Named after the Ancient Roman goddess of light, the moon, hunting, and the wilderness, SH Diana is specially designed for worldwide cruising to explore the most inspiring and inaccessible places on Earth. Building on the outstanding amenities of her sister ships, she adds a dedicated Card Room next to the Observation Lounge, a Private Dining Room for special occasions, and two tenders that bring guests a comfortable alternative to Zodiacs for expedition landings. A Polar Class 6 ice-strengthened hull combines with extra-large stabilizers to make your journey as comfortable as possible.

Swan Hellenic’s plethora of dining options provide guests with an appetite for global flavours a tempting variety of options, from sun chasing early riser’s breakfast through to late dinner and 24 hour room service.The onboard restaurants serve modern international delicacies featuring regional cuisine and ingredients creating a unique once-in-a-lifetime dining experience.World renowned chefs will prepare culinary experiences from the destinations visited, pairing the latest international trends with untasted regional delights.Bespoke & private dining experiences will be offered both inside and outside (depending on the weather conditions and routing). Offering guests superb the opportunity to enjoy and explore top-tier culinary skills and the local landscape that is home to distinctive unique flavours of seasonal ingredients, alongside fine wines.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Swan Restaurant 0

The Swan Restaurant

The Swan Dining Room, as the main venue for breakfast, lunch and dinner, serves international and regional cuisine focused on quality, creativity and flavours.

With an open seating policy, guests can dine at their leisure, from breakfast through to dinner.

Breakfast and Lunch are served on the buffet, while dinner is a sit-down affair complete with white tablecloths and linen napkins.

All of our menus are inspired and created in conjunction with renowned Italian Chef Andrea Ribaldone and Korean Chef Sang Keun Oh and are of international flair and cater to all tastebuds.

Swan Hellenic, SH Diana, Swan Restaurant Private Dining 6

The Swan Restaurant Private Dining

Bespoke & private dining experiences will be offered both inside and outside (depending on the weather conditions and routing). Offering guests superb the opportunity to enjoy and explore top-tier culinary skills and the local landscape that is home to distinctive unique flavours of seasonal ingredients, alongside fine wines.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Club Lounge 3

Club Lounge

Open from early hours to late at night, this social space has the feel of an expansive living room, leading out to the al fresco Pool Grill and Bar.

The Club Lounge changes its appearance from an Early Riser to a light lunch and a lavish afternoon tea time to a causal dining experience.

In the evening the Club Lounge entices a social chat while offering an interactive family-style dinner. Piemonte’s famous style of pizza is also served along with a mouth-watering selection of desserts.

Swan Hellenic SH Minerva Balcony Breakfast Detail 2-large

Room Service

No matter what time of day, our carefully curated In-Cabin Dining Menu traverses perennial international favourites and a plethora of international delicacies, providing a world-class gastronomic experience in the comfort of your own cabin.

Start your morning right with a nourishing selection of breakfast dishes – from a healthy yoghurt, granola and local seasonal fruit to a heartier regionally inspired eggs benedict. Or opt for a more intimate lunch or dinner, served al fresco on your private veranda.

Room Service may also be ordered from the Swan Restaurant during regular dining hours.

A selection of late-night snacks and light bites has been created to pair perfectly with your In-Cabin movie. Please refer to the In-Cabin Dining Menu to place your order.

Room Service is available 24 hours a day.

SH Diana has been designed for immersive experiences, with extensive outside deck areas, multiple observation points and bright, open and relaxing public spaces with unobstructed views.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Observation Lounge 3

The Observation Lounge

Inviting you in with expansive panoramic views, the Observation Lounge & Bar is the natural choice for edutainment by day and cocktails by night.

The Observation Lounge also serves as the perfect spot to enjoy a quiet moment and to read a good book. Or simply reflect on the day’s observations with your newly made friends.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Swan Nest 0

Swan's Nest

Take a pew in the forward-facing Swan’s Nest observation platform for extraordinary 180-degree views.
Swan Hellenic SH Diana Library 3


The Library can be found on Deck 3.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Bridge 0


The Bridge can be found on Deck 8.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Reception 1


The Reception can be found on Deck 4.

Swan Hellenic, SH Diana, Card Room 1

Card Room

The Card room can be located on deck 7.

If you are looking to experience the remote Polar regions or explore truly off-the-beaten path destinations and cultures of our spectacular planet, then you are in great company. Swan Hellenic exists to provide its guests with authentic, intimate and unforgettable moments in extraordinary locations and remote landmarks. 

Swan Hellenic SH Minerva Lectures 19 (1)


Our guest lecturers have a wealth of specialist knowledge, which helps you fully embrace the amazing destinations you travel to with Swan Hellenic. Each lecture offers interesting insights into the destinations you’re visiting – think history, culture, flora, wildlife – and this really helps you get the most from your time with us. Plus, briefings before each disembarkation, and recaps afterwards, enhance our lectures and talks, encouraging everyone to share their experiences in a fun, friendly atmosphere.

Swan Hellenic Excursions Environment Fur Seal (1)


No stone is left unturned when it comes to researching our shore excursion programmes. All aspects of the itinerary are carefully planned in detail by a knowledgeable, well travelled team to ensure each aspect of the cruise is delivered to the highest possible standard.

We’ve thought of all our guests, including the less mobile. Our 12-person hard-hulled zodiacs, the boats that take guests off the ship, have been designed for increased comfort and manoeuvrability so that everyone can get up close and personal with their majestic surroundings.

As well as our daily zodiac excursions there are opportunities for polar kayaking and trekking and for the brave… The Polar Plunge.

For expeditions ashore, there is a heated concierge managed changing room we like to call Basecamp.

Swan Hellenic SH Minerva Laboratory11 (1)

Expedition Lab

Love landscapes? Gain a deeper understanding of how your surroundings were formed from the knowledgable geologists you meet on board – and change the way you see the world forever.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Basecamp 0 (1)


Basecamp can be found on Deck 3.

Fitness is a key part of the daily routine for many. Just because you’re on holiday your wellbeing routine need not stop.Swan Hellenic's state-of-the-art gym will please the most discerning of fitness fiends. Here, you will find everything from cardio machines and stretch bands to weights. We will also be offering a range of instructor-led classes. Why not try a morning stretch class or book a fitness assessment with one of our specialist body coaches?You don’t have to be pounding the treadmill to enjoy our fabulous on-board fitness and spa facilities. Relax and revive in the sauna, outdoor pool or one of the jacuzzis and book yourself in for a healing massage or facial.Our fitness areas are spotlessly clean, with luxurious changing facilities, water and towels provided.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Pool Deck 0

Heated Outdoor Pool

Our state-of-the-art gym has everything you’ll need for an invigorating workout, from cardio machines to stretch bands and free weights. There are also instructor-led classes available, along with personal trainers, offering everything from resistance training and Pilates, to yoga and meditation.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Spa

Sauna with a View

Head to Deck 8 for the best views in the world. After a work out in our state-of-the-art gym, relax in our sauna or Jacuzzi and take in those breathtaking vistas along the way. Our sauna is the perfect place for meditative moments after your onshore activities or to finish a well-deserved pampering session.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Gym 1


Our state-of-the-art gym has everything you’ll need for an invigorating workout, from cardio machines to stretch bands and free weights. There are also instructor-led classes available, along with personal trainers, offering everything from resistance training and Pilates, to yoga and meditation.

Swan Hellenic, SH Diana, Spa 6


At our Balinese spa, including hot stone and bamboo massages, and pampering body care. Our sauna is the perfect place for meditative moments after your onshore activities or to finish a well-deserved pampering session.

Swan Hellenic, SH Diana, Beauty Salon

Beauty Salon

Choose from one of the many beauty and wellness treatments.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 9

Deck 9

  • Stargazing Deck
  • Lifts

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 8

Deck 8

  • Gym
  • Spa
  • Sauna
  • Jacuzzi
  • Beauty Salon
  • Bridge
  • Lifts

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 7

Deck 7

  • Swimming Pool
  • Pool Bar & Grill
  • Club Lounge
  • Events Room
  • Observation Lounge
  • Lifts

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 6

Deck 6

  • 2 Premium Suites
  • 2 Suites
  • 3 Junior Suites
  • 28 Balcony Cabins
  • 1 Accessible Balcony Cabin
  • Swan's Nest
  • Lifeboats
  • Lifts

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 5

Deck 5

  • 2 Suites
  • 1 Junior Suite
  • 37 Balcony Cabins
  • Lifeboats
  • Lifts

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 4

Deck 4

  • 19 Oceanview Cabins
  • 1 Accessible Oceanview Cabin
  • The Swan Restaurant
  • Lifts
  • Reception
  • Entrance
  • Launderette

Swan Hellenic SH Diana Vega III Deck 3

Deck 3

  • Marina Deck
  • Zodiac Boarding
  • Basecamp
  • Library
  • Expedition Lab
  • Clinic
  • Laundry
  • Lifts