Northern Legends: Ireland, Scotland & Iceland

The rolling green hills of Ireland, the rugged windswept coastline of Scotland and awe-inspiring views of Iceland are just some of the highlights on this 13-day journey from Dublin to Reyjkavik. Set sail for lands where legends are born. Glide past soaring mountains and jagged cliff faces, walk down cobblestoned streets in some of the world’s most remote villages, cross the Arctic Circle and drink Champagne under the midnight sun on board your ultra-luxury Discovery Yacht. Explore a world that inspired myths and folklore in Zodiacs, kayaks, helicopters^ and our custom-built submarine^, Scenic Neptune. Join experts in engaging lectures on board and excursions ashore to learn about local culture, history, geography and wildlife that you will experience on this unforgettable journey.



Northern Legends: Ireland, Scotland & Iceland

Dublin is making a comeback. The decade-long "Celtic Tiger" boom era was quickly followed by the Great Recession, but The Recovery has finally taken a precarious hold. For visitors, this newer and wiser Dublin has become one of western Europe's most popular and delightful urban destinations. Whether or not you're out to enjoy the old or new Dublin, you'll find it a colossally entertaining city, all the more astonishing considering its intimate size.It is ironic and telling that James Joyce chose Dublin as the setting for his famous Ulysses, Dubliners, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man because it was a "center of paralysis" where nothing much ever changed. Which only proves that even the greats get it wrong sometimes. Indeed, if Joyce were to return to his once-genteel hometown today—disappointed with the city's provincial outlook, he left it in 1902 at the age of 20—and take a quasi-Homeric odyssey through the city (as he so famously does in Ulysses), would he even recognize Dublin as his "Dear Dirty Dumpling, foostherfather of fingalls and dotthergills"?For instance, what would he make of Temple Bar—the city's erstwhile down-at-the-heels neighborhood, now crammed with cafés and trendy hotels and suffused with a nonstop, international-party atmosphere? Or the simple sophistication of the open-air restaurants of the tiny Italian Quarter (named Quartier Bloom after his own creation), complete with sultry tango lessons? Or of the hot–cool Irishness, where every aspect of Celtic culture results in sold-out theaters, from Once, the cult indie movie and Broadway hit, to Riverdance, the old Irish mass-jig recast as a Las Vegas extravaganza? Plus, the resurrected Joyce might be stirred by the songs of Hozier, fired up by the sultry acting of Michael Fassbender, and moved by the award-winning novels of Colum McCann. As for Ireland's capital, it's packed with elegant shops and hotels, theaters, galleries, coffeehouses, and a stunning variety of new, creative little restaurants can be found on almost every street in Dublin, transforming the provincial city that suffocated Joyce into a place almost as cosmopolitan as the Paris to which he fled. And the locals are a hell of a lot more fun! Now that the economy has finally turned a corner, Dublin citizens can cast a cool eye over the last 20 crazy years. Some argue that the boomtown transformation of their heretofore-tranquil city has permanently affected its spirit and character. These skeptics (skepticism long being a favorite pastime in the capital city) await the outcome of "Dublin: The Sequel," and their greatest fear is the possibility that the tattered old lady on the Liffey has become a little less unique, a little more like everywhere else.Oh ye of little faith: the rare ole gem that is Dublin is far from buried. The fundamentals—the Georgian elegance of Merrion Square, the Norman drama of Christ Church Cathedral, the foamy pint at an atmospheric pub—are still on hand to gratify. Most of all, there are the locals themselves: the nod and grin when you catch their eye on the street, the eagerness to hear half your life story before they tell you all of theirs, and their paradoxically dark but warm sense of humor. It's expected that 2016 will be an extra-special year in the capital, as centenary celebrations of the fateful 1916 Easter Rising will dominate much of the cultural calendar.
Portrush is adjacent to the stunning North Antrim coastline. Here lies the medieval Dunluce Castle ruins. Perched picturesquely at the edge of a rocky outcropping high above the sea, the castle is dramatically surrounded by terrifyingly steep drops, which the early Christians and Vikings would have considered a very important security feature. The castle and surrounding areas have been frequently used for the filming of “Game of Thrones”. Another attraction reached from Portrush is the Giant’s Causeway -40,000 hexagonal basalt columns that descend in a kind of pathway to the sea. Formed over 50 million years ago, visitors have marvelled at its majesty and mystery for centuries, and UNESCO has recognised this site with World Heritage status.
Oban, "little bay" in Gaelic, today has a resident population of 8,500 and is the unofficial capital of the West Highlands - the "Gateway to the Isles." The panoramic views of the mountains, lochs and islands which have captivated artists, authors, composers, and poets for centuries are as striking now as they were when Dunollie Castle, a ruined keep which has stood sentinel over the narrow entrance to the sheltered bay for around six hundred years, was the northern outpost of the Dalriadic Scots. It is no surprise to find Oban in the 21st-century remains a magnet for travellers from all over the world. The town's present day popularity owes much to the Victorians, and as early as 1812, when the Comet steamship linked Oban with Glasgow, the town played host to intrepid travellers touring Staffa - the inspiration for Mendelssohn's Hebridean Overture - and Iona - home of Scottish Christianity since St Columba stepped ashore in AD563. Indeed once Oban had the royal seal of approval from Queen Victoria, who called it "one of the finest spots we have seen," the town's destiny as an endearingly enchanting holiday destination was as firmly set as the lava columns of Fingal's Cave in Oban is justifiably known as the “gateway to the Isles.” The town's south pier is the embarkation point for car ferries to Mull, Coll, Tiree, Barra, South Uist, Colonsay, Lismore and Islay. From these islands you can travel further a field to Iona, Staffa and to many of the smaller less well known isles.
The Isle of Skye ranks near the top of most visitors' priority lists: the romance of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, combined with the misty Cuillin Hills and their proximity to the mainland all contribute to its popularity. Today Skye remains mysterious and mountainous, an island of sunsets that linger brilliantly until late at night and of beautiful, soft mists. Much photographed are the really old crofts, one or two of which are still inhabited, with their thick stone walls and thatch roofs. Orientation on Skye is easy: follow the only roads around the loops on the northern part of the island and enjoy the road running the length of the Sleat Peninsula in southern Skye, taking the loop roads that exit to the north and south as you please. There are some stretches of single-lane road, but none poses a problem.
Tour description Stornoway, Scotland The Isle of Lewis and Harris is the northernmost and largest of the Outer Hebrides-the Western Isles in common parlance. The island's only major town, Stornoway, is on a nearly landlocked harbor on the east coast of Lewis. It's the port capital for the Outer Hebrides and the island's cultural center, such that it is. Stornoway has an increasing number of good restaurants. Lewis has some fine historic attractions, including the Calanais Standing Stones-a truly magical place. The Uists are known for their rare, plentiful wildlife. Stornoway. Besides being the island's main entry point for ferries, Stornoway is also Lewis's main arts center. You'll find some good restaurants in town if you want to have lunch off the ship. The town can be explored by bicycle if you are so inclined. Local rental shops can give you advice on where to ride, including a route to Tolsta that takes in five stunning beaches before reaching the edge of moorland. An Lanntair Arts Centre. The fabulous An Lanntair Arts Centre has exhibitions of contemporary and traditional art, as well as a cinema, a gift shop, and a restaurant serving international and Scottish fare. There are frequent traditional musical and theatrical events in the impressive auditorium. Kenneth St.. Black House. In the small community of Arnol, the Black House is a well-preserved example of an increasingly rare type of traditional Hebridean home. Once common throughout the islands-even into the 1950s-these dwellings were built without mortar and thatched on a timber framework without eaves. Other characteristic features include an open central peat hearth and the absence of a chimney-hence the soot and the designation black. On display inside are many of the house's original furnishings. To reach Arnol from Port of Ness, head south on the A857 and pick up the A858 at Barvas. Off A858, 21 mi southwest of Port of Ness. Admission charged. Calanais Standing Stones. These impressive stones are actually part of a cluster of several different archaeological sites in this area. Probably positioned in several stages between 3000 BC and 1500 BC, the grouping consists of an avenue of 19 monoliths extending northward from a circle of 13 stones, with other rows leading south, east, and west. Ruins of a cairn sit within the circle on the east side. Researchers believe they may have been used for astronomical observations, but you can create your own explanations. The visitor center has an exhibit on the stones, a gift shop, and a tearoom. On an unmarked road off A858. Admission charged. Dun Carloway. One of the best-preserved Iron Age brochs (circular stone towers) in Scotland, Dun Carloway dominates the scattered community of Carloway. The mysterious tower was probably built around 2,000 years ago as protection against seaborne raiders. The Dun Broch Centre explains more about the broch and its setting. Off A857. Gearrannan. Up a side road north from Carloway, Gearrannan is an old black-house village that has been brought back to life with a museum screening excellent short films on peat cutting and weaving. For a unique experience, groups can rent the restored houses. Leverburgh. At Leverburgh you can take the ferry to North Uist. Nearby Northton has several attractions; St. Clement's Church at Rodel is particularly worth a visit. MacGillivray Centre. Located in a round building overlooking the bay, the MacGillivray Centre gives insight into the life and work of William MacGillivray (1796-1852), a noted naturalist with strong links to Harris. MacGillivray authored the five-volume History of British Birds. This is a great location for a picnic (there are tables for just such a purpose). A walk to a ruined church starts at the parking lot. A859, Northton. Seallam! Visitor Centre and Co Leis Thu? Genealogical Research Centre. The center is where you can trace your Western Isles ancestry. Photographs and interpretive signs describe the history of Harris and its people. The owners organize guided walks and cultural evenings weekly between May and September. Off A859, Northton. Admission charged. St. Clement's Church. At the southernmost point of Harris is the community of Rodel, where you can find St. Clement's Church, a cruciform church standing on a hillock. This is the most impressive pre-Reformation church in the Outer Hebrides; it was built around 1500 and contains the magnificently sculptured tomb (1528) of the church's builder, Alasdair Crotach, MacLeod chief of Dunvegan Castle. Rodel is 3 mi south of Leverburgh and 21 mi south of Tarbert. A859, Rodel. Port of Ness. The stark, windswept community of Port of Ness, 30 mi north of Stornoway, cradles a small harbor squeezed in among the rocks. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. At the northernmost point of Lewis stands the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse, designed by David and Thomas Stevenson (of the prominent engineering family whose best-known member was not an engineer at all, but the novelist Robert Louis Stevenson). The structure was first lighted in 1862. The adjacent cliffs provide a good vantage point for viewing seabirds, whales, and porpoises. The lighthouse is northwest of Port of Ness along the B8014. Shopping Harris tweed is available at many outlets on the islands, including some of the weavers' homes; keep an eye out for signs directing you to weavers' workshops. Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative. The Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative sells stylish and quirky hand-crafted tweed clothing, hats, accessories, all made by artists belonging to the cooperative. 40 Point St., Stornoway. Borgh Pottery. At Borgh Pottery, open from Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 6, you can buy attractive hand-thrown studio pottery made on the premises, including lamps, vases, mugs, and dishes. Fivepenny House, A857, Borve.
Seyðisfjörður, a beautiful 19th-century Norwegian village on the east coast of Iceland, is regarded by many as one of Iceland's most picturesque towns, not only due to its impressive environment, but also because nowhere in Iceland has a community of old wooden buildings been preserved so well as here. Poet Matthías Johannessen called Seyðisfjörður a 'pearl enclosed in a shell'. The community owes its origins to foreign merchants, mainly Danes, who started trading in the fjord in the mid-19th century. But the crucial factor in the evolution of the village was the establishment of the Icelandic herring fishery by Norwegians in 1870-1900. The Norwegians built up a number of herring-fishing facilities, and in a matter of years the little community grew into a boom town. Today, about 800 people live in Seyðisfjörður. The local economy has long been based on the fisheries, while light industry also flourishes. Tourism is playing a growing role, as the picturesque town in its spectacular surroundings attracts more and more visitors. The car/passenger ferry Norrøna, which plies between continental Europe and Iceland every summer, docks at Seyðisfjörður every Thursday. Seyðisfjörður has been a cosmopolitan community from its foundation, and the ferry service has contributed to ensuring that it remains so.
The town of Húsavík sits below Húsavíkurfjall mountain on the eastern shore of Skjálfandi bay. Just above the town is lake Botnsvatn, a popular place for outings. The lake is just the right size for a nice hike around it. The lakes surroundings are rich in vegetation and bird life and trout is said to be abundant, though small. Húsavík harbour lies below the bank right in the heart of town. The harbour once boasted a large fishing fleet, bustling with the activity of fishermen. It still serves as a fishing harbour but today's activity revolves more around the successful whale watching businesses. The first organised whale watching excursions in Iceland started from here in 1995. Since then, whale watching has become a major attraction and Húsavík continues to be the leading destination for whale watching. In addition to the tours, a fascinating whale museum is located right by the harbour. Húsavík is considered to be the oldest settlement in Iceland. The Swedish explorer, Gardar Svavarsson, spent one winter there in 870 AD during which time he built himself a house from which the settlement derives its name.
Iceland is well-known for its spectacular waterfalls. The iconic Dynjandi waterfall, located in the Westfjords region, is regarded as one of Iceland’s most impressive and majestic waterfalls. At the top, the cascading water is roughly 100 feet wide and tumbles down about 330 feet into the fjord. Its name Dynjandi means, “the thundering one” and its vast size, enormous sound, and sheer force is overwhelming. It has also been nicknamed, ‘The Bridal Veil’ because of the way the water sprays and spreads over the rocks.
Sprawling Reykjavík, the nation's nerve center and government seat, is home to half the island's population. On a bay overlooked by proud Mt. Esja (pronounced eh-shyuh), with its ever-changing hues, Reykjavík presents a colorful sight, its concrete houses painted in light colors and topped by vibrant red, blue, and green roofs. In contrast to the almost treeless countryside, Reykjavík has many tall, native birches, rowans, and willows, as well as imported aspen, pines, and spruces.Reykjavík's name comes from the Icelandic words for smoke, reykur, and bay, vík. In AD 874, Norseman Ingólfur Arnarson saw Iceland rising out of the misty sea and came ashore at a bay eerily shrouded with plumes of steam from nearby hot springs. Today most of the houses in Reykjavík are heated by near-boiling water from the hot springs. Natural heating avoids air pollution; there's no smoke around. You may notice, however, that the hot water brings a slight sulfur smell to the bathroom.Prices are easily on a par with other major European cities. A practical option is to purchase a Reykjavík City Card at the Tourist Information Center or at the Reykjavík Youth Hostel. This card permits unlimited bus usage and admission to any of the city's seven pools, the Family Park and Zoo, and city museums. The cards are valid for one (ISK 3,300), two (ISK 4,400), or three days (ISK 4,900), and they pay for themselves after three or four uses a day. Even lacking the City Card, paying admission (ISK 500, or ISK 250 for seniors and people with disabilities) to one of the city art museums (Hafnarhús, Kjarvalsstaðir, or Ásmundarsafn) gets you free same-day admission to the other two.

About the Ship

Scenic Eclipse Vessel Ship

Launched in 2019, Scenic Eclipse set the benchmark in ultra-luxury ocean cruising. In 2024 and 2025 you can embark on the journey of a lifetime through the Americas, Antarctic Peninsula, Europe and the Mediterranean on board Scenic Eclipse I. Be immersed in rich history, vibrant cultures, paradise-like beaches, breathtaking polar landscapes and wildlife experiences.Designed to deliver the ultimate 6-star ultra-luxury cruise experience. Our intimate guest numbers, dedication to world-class innovation and highest safety standards have allowed us to design the most immersive voyages possible.

The impressive selection of cuisines with up to 10 dining experiences and up to nine bars and lounges offers you a variety of choices that will satisfy your palate. Open galleys invite you to see first-hand the passion and expertise that goes into preparing every meal. Each dining venue features a menu reflecting the produce and region you are sailing in, and choices will be refreshed throughout your voyage. Culinary TeamSavour the fine creations of the talented chefs making your voyage a remarkable culinary journey. Our culinary team is overseen by Tom Götter and led by his Executive Chefs. With 38 chefs from 15 countries, every dining experience on board Scenic Eclipse is a multicultural epicurean journey of the highest standards.

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Elements is the main restaurant featuring Italian, steak and seafood from an à la carte menu. Located on Deck 4, it’s a relaxed dining option for dinner. Dine solo, with your travel partner or join friends on larger tables. Enjoy premium beverages from Elements Bar, hosting with fine wines matched to the daily menu and broad selection of international cheeses.

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Chef's Table @ Elements

Located within Elements, dining at Chef’s Table is an exclusive, by invitation-only degustation experience. Accommodating a group of just 10 guests, this 11-course degustation meal is paired with premium beverages. The Executive Chef and the culinary team will enthral you as they present each dish, explaining the world-class techniques and ingredient origins used in each creation. 

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Koko's Asian Fusion

Enjoy contemporary Asian fusion in a vibrant ambience. Traditional ingredients and innovative techniques interweave to celebrate the diverse flavours of Asia. Up to 26 guests can be seated for dinner service at either regular tables or sunken seating inspired by traditional Japanese dining practices. Sample from share plates to discover new flavours as you enjoy the luxurious atmosphere.

Scenic Eclipse - Sushi @ Koko's interior

Sushi & Sake Bar @ Koko's

Indulge in a genuine culinary experience as skilled chefs handcraft the freshest sushi, including exquisite options with vegan salmon and tuna. Catering for up to 18 guests, you can dine along the ocean view benchtop or at the bar, watching as your chefs hand-make your meal.

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Night Market @ Koko’s

Night Market @ Koko’s features a classic teppanyaki grill. Enjoy real interaction with the chef as he guides you on an inspired journey of the night market dishes from Asia, India and the Middle East, preparing dishes right in front of you. This experience is not the usual show you may envisage, where food is thrown and eggs cracked on the grill. Rather, it is an intimate dining experience for only eight guests and the chef. There are waiters continuously circulating with beverages and making sure the guests are well attended. Bookings are required for the Night Market @ Koko’s dining, located on Deck 4.

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Azure Bar & Café

Visit the Azure Bar & Café for relaxed, all-day grazing. Take in the spectacular views from the indoor or outdoor terrace seating. Delight your tastebuds with a variety of pizzas, salads, snacks and healthy meals, coupled with barista-made coffee and beverages. Enjoy after-dinner treats, such as macaroons, biscotti and chocolates with a brandy, port, or tea. This relaxed café has a serene and laid-back feeling with inside and outside seating. 

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Lumière Restaurant & Champagne Bar

Indulge in contemporary French cuisine and Champagne. This fine dining restaurant has an elegant and modern atmosphere. Enjoy a pre-dinner drink, fried oysters and caviar before you are seated for an evening of world-class cuisine, with the option of a set degustation menu. 

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Yacht Club

Relax in the Yacht Club grill restaurant and bar for breakfast, lunch and special themed dinners. This casual dining experience is fitted with food islands, outdoor and lounge seating. Come to dine, mingle, relax in swing chairs overlooking the view, or taste our freshly-made gelato.

Scenic Eclipse - Epicure

Chef's Garden @ Épicure

Be immersed in the gastronomical delights of local cuisine and wines with dedicated masterclasses led by our expert chefs and sommelier. Book in to see the chef create an array of authentic dishes from the regions you’re cruising through. Located on Deck 5 with a special cooking station and large TV screen, you’ll catch every detail.

Scenic Ocean Cruises Scenic Eclipse Private Dining Experiences

With up to 10 unique dining experiences featuring a range of flavours and cuisines, you can confidently select your preference to dine when and where the mood strikes.

Groups of friends can dine together in the restaurant of their choice or even in the privacy of their own ultra-luxury suite after an active day of excursions. There are many small intimate, and relaxed dining venues on Scenic Eclipse, affording you the option of privacy and space at no additional cost.

Private dining experiences include the Night Market @ Koko’s for only eight guests, with an authentic Teppanyaki grill and dishes inspired by the night food markets of Asia, India and the Middle East. For an evening of pure indulgence, Chef’s Table @ Elements is dégustation dining by invitation-only for 10 guests, where your Chef will serve and explain each dish of an exquisite, 11-course meal.

Whether it’s indulging in one of the specialty restaurants or house-made gelato, authentic Japanese cooked on a teppanyaki grill before your eyes, or attending a masterclass with our expert chefs, experience the excellence of unrivalled dining at sea. 

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In-Suite Dining

A comprehensive 24-hour menu

When the mood strikes to dine in the privacy of your suite, your butler can arrange everything. Choose from the 24-hour in-suite dining menu and your cuisine and accompanying premium beverages will be delivered and served for you to savour in the solitude of your suite.

Your butler will also ensure that your in-suite mini-bar is re-stocked daily in accordance with your favourite premium beverages. You might like to start your day with a cup of aromatic illy coffee made from your in-suite Espresso coffee machine, or sip on a specialty tea in the sunlight on your verandah.

Scenic Eclipse takes ocean cruising to a whole new level of luxury and elegance. Your time on board will be one of world-class indulgence and absolute discovery. From the ultimate spa experience to the spacious lounges and bars, outdoor terraces, pool and jacuzzis, not to mention the theatre and of course your own private verandah, the luxurious wonders on board Scenic Eclipse never cease.An Unrivalled SelectionOur expert bartenders are well-versed and equipped to mix up a variety of cocktails, from a traditional dry martini (shaken, not stirred if you wish) through to the latest trending concoctions. A comprehensive wine list has been curated by Master of Wine, Keith Isaac and sourced from around the world, representing a number of viticultural regions and wine styles. Equally, there is a thorough selection of top-shelf spirits, allowing you to choose your favourite gin, saké or from more than 100 varieties of whiskey. Relax and order from a wide range of truly all-inclusive beverages according to your mood and tastes.*Freshly squeezed fruit juices, soft drinks and nonalcoholic beers are also included. Enjoy your favourite mocktail or sip on a warming brew from a range of specialty teas and illy coffees, all available whenever you please.Settle in at any one of the nine spacious bars and lounges to enjoy your beverage of choice. Relish French champagne at Lumière’s Champagne Bar, indulge in an aged whiskey at the Scenic Lounge Bar, sip on a cocktail in your cabana near the Panorama Bar, or unwind in the Observation Lounge with a specialty tea. Fancy an aperitif as you admire the views from your private verandah, or a pinot noir with dinner? Complimentary beverages*, including those stocked in your mini-bar, are all part of our signature truly all-inclusive promise.This impressive selection is available all day, every day – ensuring that a 6-star, ultra-luxury voyage on board Scenic Eclipse really is in a class of its own. 

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Scenic Lounge

Mingle with new friends and share your days discoveries at the Scenic Lounge & Bar. Let our bartenders guide you towards your premium beverage of choice, be it champagne, wine, whiskey, cocktails, an afternoon espresso or an after-dinner liqueur. 
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State-of-the-Art Theatre

Gain insights into the regions you’re visiting during regular lectures and information sessions, hosted by expert Discovery Team members, Captain and crew in the world-class theatre. Here, guests can also enjoy nightly musical performances spanning a range of genres. 
Scenic Ocean Cruises Scenic Eclipse Observation Lounge

Observation Lounge

In the quiet of the Observation Lounge and library, you can recline into leather seating and read a book or play board games as you enjoy a specialty tea or coffee. Take a closer look at landscapes and wildlife as you pass them through the Swarovski telescopes. 
Scenic Eclipse - Scenic Reception


The Reception is located on Deck 4.

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Yacht Club

Order a gelato at the casual and relaxed Yacht Club on Deck 7 and devour house-made flavours as you swivel in a swinging chair. From the food island, you can order light meals and enjoy fresh cuisine and premium beverages on comfortable sofas and outdoor seating. 
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Observation Deck

Take a closer look at landscapes and wildlife as you pass them through the Swarovski telescopes. 
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The Boutique can be found on Deck 4.

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Open Bridge

Venture to the bridge on board and see Scenic Eclipse in full operation. All guests can enjoy access to one of the best viewing areas on the ship and the opportunity to learn about the technical abilities of The World’s First Discovery Yachts with the navigational team.
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Panorama Bar, Cabanas & Vitality Pools

On Deck 10, the Panorama Bar is stylishly-appointed, furnished with outdoor relaxed seating with chairs and sun loungers alongside the outdoor pool. Take in the spectacular views from the cabanas as you enjoy a beverage of your choice from the bar. 
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Elements Wine Bar

Elements Wine Bar can be found on Deck 4.

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Lumière Champagne Bar

Lumière Champagne Bar can be found on Deck 5.

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Scenic Bar

Scenic Bar can be found on Deck 4.

Equipped with the very best watercraft, join your Discovery Team members in the water for unrivalled explorations. Our team will expertly guide you on aquatic activities to help you discover your surrounds in panoramic detail.Your Discovery TeamThe Discovery Team are experts in their fields including history, geology, science, glaciology, archaeology, nature, photography and marine biology. Be safely guided and learn from their insights throughout every step of your cruise. The Discovery Team are incredibly passionate about their roles and bringing to life every element of your voyage. You come away with a deep understanding and lifelong memories of the cultures, landscapes and wildlife you will encounter. Join them in the Discovery Yacht’s theatre for information sessions or on the Observation Terrace. Follow their lead on guided kayak excursions or nature walks. Seamlessly disembark by Zodiac and cruise with your Discovery Team member past dramatic glaciers and fjords. For many past guests, the connection formed with the Discovery Team becomes one of their most treasured memories. 

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Helicopter Experiences

Soar above and dive below with unparalleled access to some of nature’s most remarkable sites. Scenic Eclipse is equipped with two state-of-the-art Airbus H130-T2 helicopters^ which seat up to six guests, plus the pilot.

 ^Helicopter, helicopter experiences and submersible at additional cost, subject to regulatory approval, availability, weight restrictions, medical approval and weather and ice conditions.

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Scenic Neptune

Discover a fascinating underwater world

Dive below the horizon for an unforgettable experience on board our custom-designed submersibles^, Scenic Neptune I and II.

Take your seat with up to eight fellow guests alongside our expert pilot and prepare for a sightseeing experience like no other, 100 metres beneath the surface. Scenic Neptune redefines underwater exploration. With large, ultra-clear acrylic spheres, our submersibles have been designed for optimum viewing and total immersion. 

^Submersible at additional cost, subject to regulatory approval, availability, weight restrictions, medical approval and weather and ice conditions.

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Education Programs

Learn about the unique wildlife, landscapes, history and culture of your destination from our knowledgeable experts during enriching lectures and education programs, hosted in the Discovery Yacht’s impressive state-of-the-art theatre.
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Discovery Team

Led by Director of Discovery Operations, Jason Flesher, the Discovery Team ensures unparalleled exploration and rich cultural immersion on Expedition and Discovery Voyages.

Our team of up to 20 specialists on Expedition Voyages, and up to 15 on Discovery Voyages, spans fields like history, biology, archaeology, naturalism, geology and photography. Enhancing your experience with their passion and expertise. 

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Discovery Centre

You will be supplied with everything you’ll need to fully immerse yourself in the journeys that await. On polar Expedition Voyages a Scenic Eclipse parka and water bottle will be in your suite on arrival, yours to take home. Plus, the use of specialised polar boots, trekking poles and kayaking equipment and apparel is included for your convenience.

Scenic Discovery Voyages, Cierva Cove, Zodiac (1)

Blending exploration with rejuvenation

Reach small ports and remote destinations on board our custom-designed Scenic Eclipse Discovery Yachts. Ignite your inner explorer with exciting excursions during the day, then enjoy breathtaking vistas from the comfort of luxurious dining, bar and wellness spaces on board.

With only up to 228 guests on board and an expert Discovery Team of up to 15 specialists, tailor your days with a wide range of all-inclusive Discovery Excursions, Scenic Freechoice activities and bespoke Scenic Enrich experiences. 

Scenic Discovery Excursions

Gain rich insights into your destination with Scenic Discovery Excursions. Our expert Discovery Team of up to 15 scientists, marine biologists, historians, geologists and expert local guides share their knowledge and regional expertise. Cruise on Zodiacs to remote island beaches, explore onshore with guided hikes, snorkel with expert marine biologists, and kayak with Discovery guides. 

Scenic Enrich

On select voyages, enjoy unique and exclusively handcrafted encounters in the most spectacular surroundings. Go behind the scenes, to the heart of your destination, with private access and immersive experiences in an iconic location. From a barbeque on a secluded beach, to ritual ceremonies and immersive experiences with local tribes, these memories will stay with you forever. 

Scenic Freechoice

Choose from a wide range of curated Scenic Freechoice activities, catered to your fitness level. From diving into Vanuatu’s hot springs, to snorkelling secluded bays or taking a local food tour. Whether you prefer an active or relaxed pace, there’s something for everyone.

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Enjoy unrivalled exploration of extraordinary polar destinations on an all-inclusive Scenic Eclipse voyage.

Bringing Ultra-Luxury to Expedition Cruising

The World's First Discovery Yachts have been purpose-built for Expedition Voyages to the most remote and extreme environments, with a Polar Class 6-rating and state-of-the-art technology and design.

With only up to 228 guests (200 in Antarctica), you will experience multiple daily shore landings via Zodiac. You’ll enjoy truly all-inclusive Scenic Discovery Excursions led by an expert Discovery Team of up to 20 specialists, ensuring you get the most out of these remarkable locations.

World-Class Design & Technology

Scenic Eclipse is purpose built for the Expedition Voyages, with a Polar Class 6 rating, custom-built stabilisers, providing greater stability, a strengthened hull, forward bow thrusters, an electronic Azipod propulsion system, advanced sonar and environmentally sustainable systems. The state-of-the-art technology enables for safe and comfortable navigation through polar waters.

Scenic Discovery Excursions

Gain rich insights into your destination with Discovery Excursions. Our expert Discovery Team of up to 20 marine biologists, historians, geologists, naturalists and local guides share their knowledge and regional expertise. Cruise on Zodiacs and kayaks* around ice formations in Antarctica and go on nature walks through the Arctic tundra, under their expert guidance.   

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Scenic Eclipse Cruise Voyages take you to the heart of quaint seaside villages and glamorous European cities, the remarkable landscapes of New Zealand and the unseen riches of Japan. Explore your destination guided by our team of local experts, sharing their knowledge of the land, history and cultures. Or relax on board and soak up the sun and spectacular coastlines poolside, with a premium beverage of your choice.

Scenic Enrich

Enjoy unique and exclusively handcrafted encounters in the most spectacular surroundings. Go behind the scenes, to the heart of your destination, with private access and immersive experiences in iconic locations. Create memories that will stay with you forever, like a classical concert from the Harpsody Orchestra performed in the historic halls of the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco, or the authentic flamenco ballet production, Carmen.

Scenic Freechoice

Choose from a wide range of curated Scenic Freechoice activities. From learning about the traditional “Kogin-sashi” embroidery of Aomori, to a cooking class with fresh du paize pasta. Whether you prefer an active or relaxed pace, there’s something for everyone.

Warm Water Exploration

In the Mediterranean, enjoy a range of exciting or relaxing water activities from Scenic Eclipse's Marina including ocean swimming, Tiwal Sail Boats and stand-up paddleboards. There’s an aquatic activity for everyone to enjoy.

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The Discovery Team are expert operators of our fleet of Zodiacs. On both Expedition and Discovery Voyages the team will guide guests on Zodiac excursions to view stunning coastlines and wildlife, as well as onshore landings. 

Rejuvenate in the infrared sauna, steam rooms, and pool and spa terraces fitted with sun beds. Enrich your experience with Senses Spa treatments#, featuring luxury ESPA products. Or stay fit in the gym or dedicated yoga and Pilates studio. Spa TeamLet the professional spa team pamper you with a luxurious and relaxing treatment or service. The warm greeting from your Senses Spa Professionals will immediately put you at ease. Our highly trained staff oversee spa operations, expert therapists, and Scenic’s partnership with the internationally recognised premium spa provider, ESPA.

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Keep up your fitness during your voyage in the fully equipped, state-of-the-art gym. Raise your heart rate with a cardio or strength workout as you overlook spectacular ocean views. Train your way or opt for a personal training session with one of our qualified, onboard instructors#.
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PURE: Yoga & Pilates Studio

Our yoga and Pilates studio on Deck 7 is the only studio of its kind at sea. Rejuvenate your mind and body with a private session#. Or mix it up with one of our holistic therapy sessions, including aerial yoga, TRX, mindfulness meditation and Tibetan sound bowl classes.

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Senses Spa

Soak in the serenity with unsurpassed wellbeing experiences. Trained, specialist staff and state-of-the-art wellness facilities on board bring you a cruising experience like no other.

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Senses Spa Pool Deck

Step into the rejuvenating Vitality Pool on Deck 6, directly adjacent to Senses Spa. Relax in this tranquil pool admiring the spectacular landscapes, perhaps after a revitalising treatment or yoga class.
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Thermal Loungers

Our Vitality Lounge offers unique thermal loungers to gently purify the body. Enjoy the tranquillity as music plays through your Bose® headset. Succumb to the serenity in this zen-like space, with ambient lighting and exquisite ocean views.

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Hair & Beauty

Our on board therapists provide ultra-luxury spa and hair salon treatments# to keep you looking and feeling your best. Visit the hair salon for a treatment and style or enjoy a manicure and pedicure. Gentlemen, treat yourself to a beard-trim or shaving service.
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Rejuvenate and transform your skin’s appearance with a facial#. ESPA facials use a pioneering Tri-ActiveTM formula containing plant extracts, marine actives and essential oils to achieve maximum results.

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Alternative Therapies

Enjoy a range of alternative therapies#, developed and celebrated by cultures across the world for centuries. Reflexology, Thai massage, Japanese Shiatsu, Indian Ayurvedic massage and Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing are all available on board for your comfort and relaxation.
Scenic Eclipse - Senses Spa - Treatment Room


Quieten your mind and release tension with a massage# from our exclusive ESPA menu. Discover the skin and aroma-therapeutic benefits of natural oils while our massage therapist tailors their service to your needs, whether it is overall muscle relaxation, or targeting problem areas.
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Sauna & Steam Room

The Sauna & Steam Room can be found on Deck 6.

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 10

Deck 10

  • Sky Deck Bar

  • Sky Deck Pool
  • Cabanas
  • Elevator

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 9

Deck 9

  • Owner's Penthouse Suite
  • Two bedroom Penthouse Suite
  • Spa Suite
  • Elevator

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 8

Deck 8

  • Panorama Suite
  • Spa Suite
  • Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Verandah Suite
  • Helicopter Hangar
  • Helipad
  • Elevator

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 7

Deck 7

  • Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Verandah Suite
  • Yacht Club
  • Yacht Club Outdoor Dining
  • Hanging Chairs
  • Elevator
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Gym & Fitness Area
  • Wheelhouse

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 6

Deck 6

  • Grand Panorama Suite
  • Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Verandah Suite
  • Elevator
  • Spa Vitality Pool
  • Senses Spa
  • Self-Service Laundry

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 5

Deck 5

  • Grand Deluxe Verandah Suite

  • Deluxe Verandah Suite
  • Verandah Suite
  • Elevator
  • Lumière
  • Azure Bar & Café
  • Scenic Épicure
  • Observation Lounge & Library
  • Observation Terrace
  • Marina Entrances

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 4

Deck 4

  • Elevator

  • Koko's
  • Night Market @ Koko's
  • Sushi @ Koko's
  • Chef's Table @ Elements
  • Elements
  • Guest Services
  • Scenic Lounge
  • Scenic Bar
  • Boutique
  • Theatre

Scenic, Scenic Eclipse I & II Deck 3

Deck 3

  • Elevator

  • Marina Entrances
  • Medical Centre
  • Self-Service Guest Laundry
  • Discovery Centre