Rosie Barrett, otherwise known as Rosie B Wild, is a wildlife photographer and travel content creator originally from Essex. Over the years working in the wildlife industry, she has spent a great deal of time around the UK, particularly in Scotland where she has been a wildlife
guide working in the marine tourism sector. It was there, that she really found her deep love for all things marine and has since gone on to have a humpback whale named after her, which you can read more on here -

Despite travelling to far flung places, her first ever sighting of a humpback and an orca were both in the UK when she was on a trip searching for and swimming with basking sharks, so it is safe to say, she is very passionate about the wildlife on our home turf. Although most of her work has been primarily UK based, in the last few years, she has also been working on cruise lines as a travel content creator and as an ocean conservationist for a marine charity, which means she has been incredibly lucky to visit some amazing locations.

Rosie's favourite destination that she has travelled to so far would have to be South Africa. This was an absolute dream considering she is a wildlife photographer. Although she also states that both Hawaii and Norway also have special places in her heart for the best whale sightings she has ever had! Rosie's favourite animals to photograph would probably have to be seals or puffins but she does get excited about just about anything!

She has been a photographer now for around 10 years but this has turned into a career in the last or 4 or 5 years. In 2022, she was shortlisted for the Rising Star award in the Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year and has been featured across many recognisable BBC platforms. Rosie's most successful image so far has to be ‘Eye to Eye’ which you can see in the first
image here on her personal website link above. 

Travel and wildlife is her life and she cannot wait to see what the future holds for her photography and wildlife career. If you would like to keep up to date with Rosie's travels, you can follow her in the profile links. 

Guides & Stories with Rosie's Photography