About the Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales are renowned for their spectacular breaching and complex songs. They are identified by their long pectoral fins and knobbly heads.

They are fairly common and their populations have been recovering since the end of commercial whaling.

Protected internationally, they continue to face threats from entanglement in fishing gear, ship strikes, and noise pollution.

Changes in ocean temperatures and prey distributions can alter their migratory patterns and affect their breeding or feeding behaviours.

Where to see Humpback Whales

Found in oceans worldwide, they migrate from tropical or subtropical breeding grounds to the nutrient-rich polar waters for feeding, including the waters around Antarctica.

Interesting facts about Humpback Whales

Humpback Whales are known for their cooperative feeding technique called "bubble net feeding," which involves creating a circle of bubbles to corral their prey.

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