About the Bottlenose Dolphin

Bottlenose dolphins live in pods ranging from a few individuals to over a hundred, exhibiting complex social structures and communication methods through clicks, whistles, and body language. They are one of the most familiar marine mammals. They are highly adaptable and can be found in various marine environments, including coastal waters, bays, estuaries, and even rivers. They are the most commonly encountered dolphins along shorelines and are frequently seen riding the bow waves of boats and ships.

Bottlenose dolphins are widely distributed worldwide, inhabiting a diverse range of environments from coastal waters and estuaries to the open ocean. Their adaptability and widespread presence make them one of the most familiar and well-studied dolphin species.

They face threats from bycatch in fishing gear, ship strikes, and pollution.

As water temperatures rise, their prey could migrate to different areas, potentially leading them to alter their range and behaviour.

Bottlenose Dolphin Video

Bottlenose dolphins bow riding a zodiac, filmed by ExplorEarth writer and zoologist Billy Heaney

Where to see Bottlenose Dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are found in a variety of marine environments around the world.

Interesting facts about Bottlenose Dolphins

In the wild, bottlenose dolphins can live up to 40-50 years, with some individuals known to live even longer.

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