About the Polar Bear

Polar Bears are the largest land carnivores on Earth, characterised by their thick white fur and powerful build. They are well adapted to the Arctic environment and are found throughout the region, predominantly on sea ice, which they rely on for hunting seals, their primary prey.

While widespread across the Arctic, they are rare due to their low densities and vast territories.

Mark Stratton

Polar Bears Arctic Canada 38

Threatened by climate change, which melts the sea ice essential for their hunting. Other risks include pollution and potential conflicts with humans.

Mike Louagie

©Mikelouagie MLX 1609 Greenland PONANT Polar Bear

Melting ice reduces their ability to hunt seals which are their primary food source, leading to decreased survival rates.

Mike Lougie

Polar Bear Arctic Mike Louagie

Polar Bear Photography

Mark Stratton

Polar Bears Arctic Canada 29

Mother and Cub

A mother and cub in the Canadian Arctic from a Northwest Passage expedition cruise. 

Mike Lougie

Polar Bear Arctic Mike Louagie

Adult bear

An adult bear rests on sea ice in the Arctic

Mike Unwin

Polar Bear Mike Unwin Svalbard

Bear swims in Svalbard

Polar bears are powerful swimmers and can cover long distances in the cold Arctic waters, sometimes swimming for several days to reach ice floes or land. 

Where to see Polar Bears


Polar bears are often sighted in the Svalbard archipelago, Greenland, Canada, and the Russian Arctic.

Svalbard Archipelago: This Norwegian territory is one of the most reliable places to see polar bears in the wild. Cruises around Svalbard often encounter these animals on ice floes or along the coastlines, especially during the summer when the ice retreats. However, there are strict regulations around viewing Polar Bears and ensuring they are not disrupted within their habitats, and these are being enforced further from 2025. For this reason, binoculars and zoom lenses are essential for seeing them.

Canadian Arctic: Areas like Hudson Bay and the shores of Baffin Island offer prime polar bear viewing, particularly in the late summer and early autumn when bears come ashore as the sea ice melts. Northwest Passage cruises are not presented as wildlife trips, but the chances of seeing polar bears are good. 

Greenland: These less frequented regions still offer opportunities to see polar bears, particularly on remote, ice-covered shores. Polar bears in Greenland are primarily found in the northern and eastern parts of the island, where sea ice is more prevalent. However, they occasionally venture into West Greenland, particularly when the ice extends further south during colder months. The best times to see polar bears in West Greenland are late winter and early spring when the sea ice is still present. As the ice retreats in summer, polar bears tend to move north or farther offshore, following the ice edge.

Interesting facts about Polar Bears

Polar bears are capable of fasting for up to several months during the summer and early fall when ice is scarce.

Mike Louagie

©Mikelouagie MLZ 0927 Greenland PONANT

Polar bears are excellent swimmers that can cover long distances. They sometimes swim for several days to reach ice floes or land in search of prey. These bears have even been known to take whales as prey.

Scientists in Alaska have recently recorded a polar bear swimming for nine days straight, covering a distance of 687km. 

Mike Unwin

Polar Bear Mike Unwin Svalbard

Their fur appears white, but each hair is actually transparent and hollow, helping to reflect and retain heat.

Polar bears are hypercarnivorous, with seals, particularly ringed and bearded seals, making up the bulk of their diet. They are adept hunters, using still-hunting, where they wait by seal breathing holes in the ice.

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