
Bears have become synonymous with expedition cruises as a wildlife attraction, especially in Alaska, Canada, and the Arctic regions. They are apex predators and symbolise strength and wilderness. Their size, power, and often solitary nature evoke a sense of awe and respect, making them a desirable sight for many travellers.

Bears provide incredible opportunities for wildlife photography. Their imposing stature, expressive faces, and dynamic movements can create captivating photos when done with respect for the animals and care for safety and distance.

Many expedition cruises now have naturalists or wildlife experts on board who provide educational lectures about the local wildlife, including bears. This enriches the cruise, helping travellers understand the bears' roles in their ecosystems, their behaviour, and the conservation efforts needed to protect them. Bears are often found in remote, untouched environments, like the Arctic, accessible mainly by specialised expedition cruises. The chance to see bears in these habitats adds to the exclusivity and excitement of the experience.

Seeing bears in their natural environment often inspires a greater appreciation for conservation efforts and further ambassadorship for their welfare. A deeper understanding of these animals' threats, such as climate change (particularly for polar bears) and habitat loss, and a desire to support conservation initiatives are vital parts of the educational side of expeditions and adventure cruises.

Mike Lougie

Mike Lougie

Polar Bear Arctic Mike Louagie

Polar Bears

Polar bears need no introduction. They are large carnivorous mammals found primarily within the Arctic Circle. Apex predators with a thick layer of body fat and a water-repellent coat that insulates them from the cold.

Brad Siviour

Brad Siviour

Brown Bear With Salmon At Geographic Bay CREDIT BRAD SIVIOUR

Brown Bears

Brown bears (Ursus arctos), also known as grizzly bears in North America, are large mammals found across various regions in the Northern Hemisphere. They are recognised for their distinct physical characteristics, behaviour, and ecological significance.

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