Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard


As one of the world's northernmost settlements, Ny-Ålesund sits on the shores of Kongsfjorden on Spitsbergen, Svalbard. This research town is surrounded by diverse wildlife and stunning Arctic scenery, including glaciers, and fjords.


Ny-Ålesund is a leading centre for international Arctic research and environmental monitoring, hosting scientists from around the world who come here to study everything from glaciology to atmospheric sciences.


Key draws include the town's research facilities, historical sites related to Arctic exploration, and the Zeppelin Observatory, one of the world's foremost stations for atmospheric research.


Access for tourists is limited to protect research activities, but approved visitors can explore the town's scientific heritage, observe the unique Arctic wildlife, and take guided walks to the nearby glaciers and bird colonies.


Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard map