Sydkap (South Cape)


Sydkap is located on the southern tip of Scoresbysund's intricate fjord system in East Greenland. The area is characterized by dramatic ice formations, rocky coastlines, and the vast Greenland Ice Sheet extending into the horizon.


The cape marks the southern entrance to the Scoresbysund fjord system, acting as a natural landmark for navigators and a stunning viewpoint for the ice-filled fjord and its surrounding landscapes.


The contrast between the dark, rocky outcrops and the luminous icebergs drifting in the fjord is quite breathtaking, particularly during the midnight sun or under the aurora borealis.


Ideal for photography, iceberg watching, and zodiac excursions for more intimate encounters with the fjord's marine life and icebergs. Hiking along the coast offers panoramic views of the Arctic wilderness.


Sydkap (South Cape) map