Danmark Ø (Danmark Island)


Located in Northeast Greenland National Park, Danmark Ø is characterized by rugged terrain and deep fjords. The island is part of a remote and largely untouched area of Arctic wilderness.


The island has played a key role in Arctic exploration history and still serves as a base for scientific research today, particularly in the fields of geology and glaciology, contributing valuable data on Arctic ecosystems and climate change.


Danmark Ø's isolation makes it a haven for Arctic wildlife, including musk oxen, Arctic foxes, and a variety of seabirds. The island's diverse landscapes, from glaciers to tundra, provide a snapshot of the Arctic's ecological complexity.


Due to its remote location, activities are focused on scientific research and expeditionary visits, including hiking, wildlife observation, and studying the island's unique geology and glacial history through guided tours with a scientific focus.


Danmark Ø (Danmark Island) map