About the Fulmar

Fulmars are seabirds with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in harsh marine environments. Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) are found in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, breeding on cliffs and islands in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.

Southern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialoides) are found in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. Like other members of the Procellariidae family, Fulmars have distinctive tubular nostrils on top of their beaks. These help them excrete excess salt from seawater. Fulmars are also known for their longevity, with some individuals living over 40 years.

Fulmars are opportunistic feeders, consuming fish, squid, and crustaceans. They also scavenge from ships and even follow fishing vessels for scraps. They have a distinctive gliding flight, using their stiff wings to ride ocean winds effortlessly. They can often be seen soaring close to the water surface.

They typically breed on cliffs, laying a single egg per breeding season. Both parents take turns incubating the egg and feeding the chick. They are colonial breeders, often forming large, noisy colonies that can be pretty dense, with nests close together on narrow ledges. Making for that thrilling and haunting sound you get from bird cliffs on expedition cruises.

Fulmars are often seen around northern coasts and are common in their breeding areas. They are pelagic outside the breeding season and spend most of their lives at sea.

Despite their wide distribution, fulmars are particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution. They often ingest plastic debris, mistaking it for food, which can lead to starvation or poisoning.

Changes in sea temperature and ice cover can affect the availability of their prey, impacting breeding success and survival rates.

Fulmar Photography

Mike Unwin

Fulmar 3 Svalbard Mike Unwin 290

Fulmars & Polar Bear

A Fulmar in flight over the Arctic in Svalbard

Mike Unwin

Fulmars At Nest St Kilda Mike Unwin 292

Nesting Fulmars

Fulamr's nesting in St Kilda, Scottish Islands

Mike Unwin

Fulmars On Cleit St Kilda Scotland Mike Unwin 293

Fulmars on Cleit

A cleit is a stone storage hut only found on the Isles of St Kilda in Scotland and a familiar haunt of local Fulmars. 

Where to see Fulmars

They are widespread and can be found in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. There are two main species, Northern and Southern Fulmars.

Interesting facts about Fulmars

Fulmars have a unique defence mechanism where they can spit a foul-smelling oil at predators or threats, which can match the feathers of birds and deter mammals.

Jamie Lafferty

DSC09367 Enhanced SR Fulmar Jamie Lafferty 285

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