Wildfoot Travel

Wildfoot Travel specialises in adventure travel and expedition cruises. Its strong focus on sustainability and responsible tourism allows it to offer various travel experiences, including polar expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica, South America, and the Galapagos Islands.

Wildfoot Travel strongly emphasises sustainability and environmental conservation. They work with operators who follow best practices to minimise the environmental impact of their expeditions. This includes reducing carbon footprints, adhering to strict waste management protocols, and supporting local conservation efforts.

Their expeditions often include educational components, with onboard experts like naturalists, biologists, and geologists providing insights into the wildlife, ecosystems, and cultures of the regions visited. This educational approach helps raise awareness about the importance of preserving these fragile environments.

Wildfoot Travel prioritises small-scale expeditions that offer a more intimate and immersive experience. Smaller groups allow for a better guest experience and reduce the environmental impact compared to larger, mass tourism operations.

They collaborate with operators who are committed to responsible travel practices. This includes working with companies that are members of organizations like the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO), which set guidelines for safe and environmentally responsible travel in polar regions.

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