Zodiac Tours & Cruising

Zodiacs are small, inflatable boats that are one of the true differentiators between expedition and small-ship adventure cruises and more traditional ones. 

Primarily used for shore landings and close-up explorations of remote areas, coastlines, and ice-formations, they are ideal in these regions owing to their stability and ability to navigate shallow waters. Zodiacs are suitable for accessing locations larger vessels can't reach, providing travellers with unique opportunities to explore natural environments, wildlife, and isolated communities up close. They're an essential part of expedition cruising, enhancing the adventure by bringing passengers into intimate contact with their surroundings.

Zodiacs tend to carry around 12 passengers at a time, with an experienced driver who will be part of the Expedition Team and provide safety instructions and prudent management of entry to the Zodiac. Accessing a Zodiac can be challenging in wet and icy conditions and choppy seas, so expect to board the ship wearing life jackets, muck boots, and waterproof clothing for safety and comfort. Tours will also feature knowledgeable guides, emphasising wildlife observation and environmental preservation through Citizen Science. Conditions can vary, so flexibility is vital. These excursions offer intimate encounters with nature; on a recent Zodiac Tour, one of our team members experienced a very intimate encounter with a Leopard Seal that had taken quite a liking to the Zodiac itself!

Zodiac tours are often the highlight of wildlife-focused expedition cruises, which include exploring colonies in destinations like Antarctica, the Arctic, the Galápagos Islands, and remote Atlantic islands.

Zodiac Tours Photography

Jamie Lafferty

Minke Whale Antarctica Jamie Lafferty 404

Passengers & whale

Passengers on a zodiac in Antarctica get close to a Minke Whale which is curious by their presence. 

Mike Louagie

Antarctica Mike Louagie Zodiac Web


This is a favourite image of the team at ExplorEarth, showing the scale of ice formations and how the Zodiacs are often dwarfed by their incredible surroundings in polar expedition. 

Mike Louagie

Antarctica Zodiac Ride Mike Louagie

Ice formations

A Zodiac inspects beautiful ice formations in the Antarctic

Mark Stratton

Elsehul Zodiac And South Georgia

Penguins and Seals

A Zodiac in South Georgia gets close to a beach full of resident King Penguins and Fur Seals

Saunders Carmichael-Brown

Greenland Zodiac tour Saunders Carmichael-Brown

Ice inspection

A Zodiac is taken close to an ice formation in Greenland.

Activity Considerations

We recommend that you have good mobility to participate in Zodiac tours and cruises. If you have no problem climbing stairs, you will usually be fine, but it is always worth checking with the team onboard.

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Zodiacs do not carry a supplement to your fare as they are an integral part of the expedition and small-ship adventure cruise experience.

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Dress warmly in waterproof gear, as conditions can be wet and cold. Tours are carefully planned for safety and environmental respect, offering unique perspectives and photography opportunities, but make sure your equipment is protected from the weather.

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What it's like: How to Board

This is how an Expedition Team on an expedition or small adventure ship will get passengers to board a Zodiac for a Zodiac tour on landing. Zodiacs are an integral part of an expedition cruise. 

Passengers usually depart from a muck room, where they put on life jackets and muck books (if required). 

They will then line up at the access point and be helped onto the Zodiac with a specific arm-hold by the Expedition team or driver. There will usually be between 8 and 10 passengers and two expedition team members on each Zodiac. 

Boarding Zodiacs can be dangerous, so good mobility and safety precautions are essential. 

Bow riding

Sound on! Cetaceans, such as the Common Dolphins seen here, often play with zodiacs due to their intelligence, curiosity, and playful nature. These interactions can allow them to explore, communicate, and enrich their environment. Observing such behaviour highlights the complex and intriguing nature of these marine mammals. It is a life-affirming experience on expedition cruises. This video was shot in Scotland by ExplorEarth writer and Zoologist Billy Heaney

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